Schlüter DITRA-HEAT-E-DUO-S Underfloor Heating Kit with Wi-Fi Thermostat

The DITRA-HEAT-E-DUO-S is under tile and stone heating for walls and floors. The uncoupling mat has a special anchoring fleece, allowing impact sound to be reduced and fast heat-up response. Please see DITRA-HEAT product information on Schlüter's website for installation instructions and further

The DITRA-HEAT-E-DUO-S is under tile and stone heating for walls and floors. The uncoupling mat has a special anchoring fleece, allowing impact sound to be reduced and fast heat-up response. Please see DITRA-HEAT product information on Schlüter's website for installation instructions and further details.

The pack contains:

  • Uncoupling mats DITRA-DUO-MA
  • Heating cables DITRA-HEAT-E-HK
  • Wi-Fi touchscreen thermostat DITRA-HEAT-E-R-WIFI
  • 2 x junction boxes
  • 1 x conduit (3 metres)

We stock the DITRA-HEAT-E-DUO-S heating mat packs in the following sizes:

Product code Uncoupled area No of DITRA-heat-duo-mats 
DH D RT5 S11.6m²2
DH D RT5 S22.4m²3
DH D RT5 S33.2m²4
DH D RT5 S44m²5
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Manufacturer Schlüter-Systems
Product Code DHDRT5S1-S4
Call for best price 01908 311104
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The DITRA-HEAT-E-DUO-S is under tile and stone heating for walls and floors. The uncoupling mat has a special anchoring fleece, allowing impact sound to be reduced and fast heat-up response. Please see DITRA-HEAT product information on Schlüter's website for installation instructions and further details.

The pack contains:

  • Uncoupling mats DITRA-DUO-MA
  • Heating cables DITRA-HEAT-E-HK
  • Wi-Fi touchscreen thermostat DITRA-HEAT-E-R-WIFI
  • 2 x junction boxes
  • 1 x conduit (3 metres)

We stock the DITRA-HEAT-E-DUO-S heating mat packs in the following sizes:

Product code Uncoupled area No of DITRA-heat-duo-mats 
DH D RT5 S11.6m²2
DH D RT5 S22.4m²3
DH D RT5 S33.2m²4
DH D RT5 S44m²5